
Uninstall spector pro 2011
Uninstall spector pro 2011

uninstall spector pro 2011

If you decide to renew(extend) the update subscription period of Revo Uninstaller Pro, but it has not yet expired, the subscription period of the newly entered Serial Number will be added to the remaining days of your current update subscription period. You can check the subscription duration of your license if you click the Menu button on the top right of the main window, and select About. After that period’s expiration, you will not be able to install newer versions of Revo Uninstaller Pro, released after the date of expiration. Once activated, your version of Revo Uninstaller Pro will work without a time limitation, but you will be able to update it only to the latest released version during your subscription period. There are two possible ways to activate or update subscription of Revo Uninstaller Pro – to activate it online or to activate it by a specially generated file by Revo Uninstaller Pro. If you want to continue using Revo Uninstaller Pro after the trial period has ended, you will have to purchase a license from our web site – When you purchase a license, you will receive a Serial Number with a specific update subscription period, which you must enter in the registration form in Revo Uninstaller Pro, together with a registration name (user name). You can check the title bar on the top of Revo Uninstaller Pro’s main window to see how many days you have until the end of the trial period, and every time you close Revo Uninstaller Pro, you will see a reminder notifying you how many days you have left. The trial period is automatically starting on the first installation of the program on a particular system. Revo Uninstaller Pro has a 30-day free and fully functional trial period, during which you can use it without any restrictions. Registration/Activation and Update Subscription

Uninstall spector pro 2011